Using RMarkdown
Last updated on 2024-03-12 | Edit this page
Estimated time: 12 minutes
- What is sentment analysis?
- How can text analysis evaluate emotion?
- Analyze sentiment using general-purpose lexicons
- Visualize the sentiment analysis results using column chart and word cloud
This is a lesson created via The Carpentries Workbench. It is written in Pandoc-flavored Markdown for static files and R Markdown for dynamic files that can render code into output. Please refer to the Introduction to The Carpentries Workbench for full documentation.
What you need to know is that there are three sections required for a valid Carpentries lesson template:
are displayed at the beginning of the episode to prime the learner for the content. -
are the learning objectives for an episode displayed with the questions. -
are displayed at the end of the episode to reinforce the objectives.
Inline instructor notes can help inform instructors of timing challenges associated with the lessons. They appear in the “Instructor View”
[1] "This new lesson looks good"
You can add a line with at least three colons and a solution
You can also include figures generated from R Markdown:
c(Sky = 78, "Sunny side of pyramid" = 17, "Shady side of pyramid" = 5),
init.angle = 315,
col = c("deepskyblue", "yellow", "yellow3"),
border = FALSE
Or you can use standard markdown for static figures with the following syntax:
![optional caption that appears below the figure](figure url){alt='alt text for accessibility purposes'}
One of our episodes contains \(\LaTeX\) equations when describing how to create dynamic reports with {knitr}, so we now use mathjax to describe this:
$\alpha = \dfrac{1}{(1 - \beta)^2}$
becomes: \(\alpha = \dfrac{1}{(1 - \beta)^2}\)
Cool, right?